Monday, January 18, 2010

Heart of Service

This entry is dedicated to missionary Jonathan and the three interns (Rachel, Abby, and Shaina) in Costa Rica

This world has brain washed us, and has made us in to cold, selfish beings, causing us to be defensive and offensive. The "corporate" culture that teaches us the motto of "survival of the fittest" makes us rely totally on our own powers to grow in our society, in our corporate jobs, and even our spiritual walk. As we do this, we naturally become prideful, as competition stirs pride in our hearts. This pride makes our hearts callus and cold - It forces us to protect our hearts, while not caring about the hearts around us, and we build a wall and shoot down "enemies" that try to "invade" us. This mindset is true ignorance and we can't help but to walk blind in darkness, trying to put bandages on our cuts by indulging into temporary satisfactions that seem to lift our spirit. However, this only further feeds the virus, and the sickness spreads. This temporary satisfaction infects us deep within and even leads to spiritual cancer.

God's grace is the only thing that can cure this sickness. When we seek Him, and He comes with grace, and strikes humility in to our hearts. He transforms our hearts to be softer, and full of compassion - a selfish cold heart in to a heart of service. Only then, can we be totally secure of ourselves, and live a joyful - full of purpose - life. How can we possibly be happy living as slaves that work to satisfy our materialistic desires? Our happiness would only be from what we produce. This cycle would never end - and it's extremely depressing. However, when God hits us with a heart of service, we partake in a greater goal that is finally not about ourselves. Our motive for our actions become selfless (to expand His kingdom), and this way of life drives us to work harder and to be joyful with any task given to us by God. Service (a form of worship) is the only drug that will instill a purpose in to our hearts and ultimately bring true happiness.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh the heart of service...its so dumb to the world but for us we know its what keeps us alive.
