Monday, April 26, 2010

Resurrection - Solidifying Humility

Our flesh is easily distracted by the perversions of this fallen world. Traps are set up everywhere to claw us in surprise, especially if we are ill-equipped of the scripture. Since we have not yet grasped the fullness of our potential (true sonship with God), we fall during our walk with the Lord. However, by the grace of God, we come to the realization of our short comings. From this revelation, we rid our stubborn ways and repent before God - trying our best to be "humble" by attempting to grasp the depth of our sin. I believe there are a couple things that can go wrong even from this point of revelation.

If we are drowning in the guilt of our sin, we are not practicing true humility. This probably offends God, as He has came down from heaven to die for us, and we are not allowing his blood to instantly cleanse us. His power should not take time, it is instant - as Jesus healed all the sick with a snap of His fingers when they begged for healing. We need to swim out of the pool of guilt that the demons have thrown us in. After we come to His presence, humbled, and we repent to our ways, we must resurrect to a new creation and push to do His will. This latter portion if what really solidifies humility!

False humility will hold us back from reaching our destination. True humility will ever hold us back from getting closer to His heart - Bill Johnson

I believe accepting (by repenting and realigning ourselves to God) and living out His will is true humility - this process makes us die to ourself and glorify God. If we do not perform the latter part of this process I believe we may be victims of false humility. What is the point of repenting if we are holding on to our desires to continue to live out in our subjective ways? If we are hit with the revelation to repent, we need to take action and start moving towards His heart. When our humility stops at repentance (by prayer) and we do not carry out the will of God, we are missing the mark.

It is still about us - still self absorbed - and we are simply attempting to satisfy our desire to feel cleansed - It's not yet about God.


  1. I always feel guilty bro. I'm sad you missed CG too, it was awesome!

  2. really liked this entry! keep on writing shin!! i love them
