Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blue Like Jazz

I read one of the most beautiful analogies of Christianity recently. It's from a book titled, "Blue Like Jazz". It's about a story of a Navy SEAL that performs covert operations, freeing hostages and prisoners from some of the worst places in the darkest parts of this world. As the story goes, a team of SEALs flew in by helicopter and rushed in to the room where all the hostages had been imprisoned for months. The room was disgusting, filthy, and dark. All the hostages were curled up in corners of the room, terrified, and scared to death. The SEALs stood at the door, announced that they are Americans, and directed the hostages to get up quickly and follow them. However, none of the hostages would move. All the hostages sat still in there corners and hid their eyes in fear. Their minds were in the worst state possible - too corrupted from torture and empty of any hope to believe rescuers have come to save them. The SEALs were in disbelief and didn't know what to do, until one of the SEAL got an idea. "He put down his weapons, took off his helmet, and curled up tightly next to the other hostages, getting so close his body was touching some of theirs. He softened the look on his face and put his arms around them. He was trying to show them he was one of them. None of the prison guards would have done this. He stayed there for a little while until some of the hostages started to look at him, finally meeting his eyes. The Navy SEAL whispered that they were Americans and were there to rescue them. Will you follow us? he said. The hero stood to his feet and one of the hostages did the same, then another, until all of them were willing to go. The story ends with all the hostages safe on an American aircraft carrier."

How beautiful is this story? Knowing that it would be impossible to gain the trust of the hostages by simply standing at the door and ordering them to follow, the SEAL takes off all, which dresses him to be a SEAL, and becomes one of the prisoners, so that they may finally see the truth and be saved. God, the Holiest or Holy, came down to become human, undressed all the physical appearance of that which makes Him God (to adapt to our nature), so that He can gain our trust. This is divine love, and there would be no meaning for Love if it was not for Christ coming down to "adapt" to us. Isn't this how we, humans, show love? We adapt as we understand each other to show love for one another. God was the first to show us the perfect way to Love. Without Him, there is no Love.


  1. soo good. keep reading ;) ill read through you

  2. amazing! :)

    "...and there would be no meaning for Love if it was not for Christ coming down to "adapt" to us ... We adapt as we understand each other to show love for one another. God was the first to show us the perfect way to Love. Without Him, there is no Love."

    shin, i agree with you 102934030948%
    there really is no love without God because God is love.
    i couldnt have said it any better~ :)

  3. i love blue like jazz. his second book is real good too.."searching for God knows what" hehe

