Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Love = Fear

As I get deeper with God, "fear" has taken on a new meaning. The idea of fearing God had been set in my head since I was a boy, and it was always some sort of a just punishment for my wrong doings. I was terrified of His eyes that were always watching me, making sure I knew when I did something wrong. However, I didn't realize how much God really loved me, and the things I had considered "punishments" were merely a curse I had brought on myself (which implies true justice), or a phase of inconvenience to strengthen my character.

"Fear" really took a big turn when I started to love God. I've found that two different kinds of fear exist in this world - fear in terror and fear in love. The former form of fear makes us live in anxiety and insecurity, while the latter makes us live with joy and respect (for God, others, and ourselves). It was hard to understand that we are supposed to love and fear God at the same time. But from understanding the deeper meaning of fear, It's now clear that I fear because I love.

I also believe fear from love and respect is where true accountability lies. It is when we practice this type of fear - to be concerned with the thoughts of God, our parents, and our friends - we are able to have deep accountability.

I fear the impression God has of me. I fear the impression God has of my actions, my heart, and my thoughts. I fear God because I love Him. I always want to deeply, maybe obsessively, be concerned with what He thinks of me.


  1. "I've found that two different kinds of fear exist in this world - fear in terror and fear in love. The former form of fear makes us live in anxiety and insecurity, while the latter makes us live with joy and respect (for God, others, and ourselves)."

    very very well said~ :) fear can be so scary if it's taken into the wrong context. like you said, if we fear in terror, then we turn to ourselves and the world rather than the Love of God that overcomes anything and everything and strengthens us to rise and focus on God.

    as always, i'm so encouraged by your words, shin!! hwa ee ting! :P

  2. whenever i think of the word fear...psalm 118:6 comes to mind...The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

    we really have nothing to fear except the Lord whom we love so so much! God loves us so much and I think when we realize how much He loves us--we can't help but be all in for God. He's amazing.

  3. When i think fear I think psalm 23. I fear God, and I fear being judged by you brothers and sisters. According to your logic, i guess i fear ya'll's love. Bring it :p
