Thursday, November 26, 2009

Got Salvation?

"Am I saved?"
This question definitely gets more and more serious as we walk closer towards God. I think it may be because our perception of God continuously changes to be more profound when we dig deeper in to the meaning of the Him. As "Christians" we ask this question to ourselves and we usually answer "Yes, because I believe in Jesus". But I'm not sure if we've given enough thought when we attempt to answer such a serious question- a question that may determine True life and True death. John Piper says, "All kinds of luke warm, world-loving church attenders say they believe. The world abounds with millions of unconverted people who say they believe in Jesus... In my neighborhood, every drunk on the street "believes in Jesus. Drug dealers "believe" in Jesus. Panhandlers who haven't been to church in forty years "believe" in Jesus. So I use different words to unpack what believe means. In recent years I have asked, "Do you receive Jesus as your Treasure?" Not just Savior. Not just Lord. The key is: Do you treasure Him more than everything?"

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 7:21

When a man fails in personal Christian experience, it is nearly always because he has never received anything. The only sign that a man is saved is that he has received something from Jesus Christ. Our part as workers for God is to open men's eyes that they turn themselves from darkness to light; but that is not salvation, that is conversion- the effort of a roused human being. I do not think it is too sweeping to say that the majority of nominal Christians are of this order; their eyes are opened, but they have received nothing. Conversion is not regeneration. This is one of the neglected factors in our preaching today.
- Oswald Chambers (My Upmost for His Highest)

I agree completely with Chambers that "open eyes" is just the first step to really receiving Jesus, so that we can finally have a softened heart to learn about God's mystery. Once our eyes are opened, its a constant battle with heaven and hell- both sides fight for our soul, but it's up to us if we have the mental, physical, and spiritual discipline to win the fight for God. Saying "I believe in Christ" once (when our eyes are first opened) is not enough. I believe our faith in the Lord must be constantly renewed and if at any point we are satisfied (or stagnant) with our position with God, it's a time to be fearful that we may be drifting from Him. Similar to when we give to the poor, our heart should condemn us even after we've helped our neighbors - as the burden from this world should constantly sink our hearts.


  1. i struggled with this a lot too. To understand the true meaning of "believe". In the Bible Jesus says.."If you truly believe in me you would know my words and follow it." So for me that's what I define as belief in Christ. Do we know God's word and do we live by it?

  2. yea i agree.. but i think it goes further..
    do we know God's words and live by it? And.. do we know why we do the things we do for God?
    All this, I believe it comes with greater knowledge of who God is. The more we understand of God's love, grace.. etc, We are naturally inclined to follow his directions- like when we do things for our gf/bf just to see them happy, which also makes us happy. When we make God happy, we are casted in to a realm of happiness that cannot be replaced by our material world- and we cannot know this happiness for our selves even when we perform/listen to God, unless we KNOW God.
