Tuesday, November 3, 2009

To Serve or To Be Served?

When I think of the word Humility, the thought of serving comes to mind. However, there's a whole another side of being humble. Being grateful, when one is served, is also a sign of true humility.

After meditating on the subject of Pride last week, I came to a conclusion that true Humility means completely forgetting about yourself- killing your humanistic ways and orbiting around God and your neighbors. Humility is the exact opposite of being self-centered. With this in mind, it's easy to think that serving another would always lead to an act of humility. However, this is always not the case.

Today, I was thinking.. "Maybe I should make dinner for my family and my girlfriend for my birthday". I wanted to reverse my thinking of Birthdays and cast away the self-centered thoughts of it all. However, once I put myself in their shoes, I discovered that, by me thinking "I want to serve for my birthday", I was actually being self-centered. I was simply not thinking of the happiness it would bring my parents and my girlfriend if they were to serve me for my birthday- I'd be selfishly taking away their happiness. Their happiness is worth more than mine.

Humility is then, not only worrying about serving, but putting ourselves in other's perspective, and accepting the service of other's with gratitude (understanding the joy it brings them).


  1. hey man, I always think of pride as the root of all sins (like you said). For example, when I thought about the reason why we don't pray I began to understand that the lack of prayer equals to surplus of pride. We don't pray because we are not desperate. We think we can handle it on our own. True humility and in the acknowledgment of the fact that we can't do anything on our own would automatically bring us to our knees to plea to a greater God.

  2. mmm.

    werd to what u and dave said.

    humility. what do we know??? Jesus, fill us with your spirit and humble us, cuz we can't do it ourselves!!!
