Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Invisible World

Imagine an "invisible world", said the missionary. And my journey began..

Somehow, those gently spoken words by a stranger have led me to a road I casted out and refused to believe, when I was in college. Somehow, those simple words broke down my pride and blew off all the dust I had collected- the mountain piles of dirt that made it impossible for the Truth to shine through me. It was the missionary that spoke those words, but it was definitely God that spread the gates of heaven, allowed me to understand, gave me a gift, and planted the victorious flag in the center of my heart. He has struck me too hard, for me to ever let this slip away.

Lord, please expand my understanding of your great love, wisdom, and power. Help me to discern and cast away all the delusions that this world has deceived me with. And be my strength, Lord, to fight the demons that constantly stir pride in my heart, distracts me from indulging in the Truth, and hinders me from your ways. Amen.

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