Monday, November 23, 2009

Perfect Timing

The overwhelming joy and wisdom from the Lord, is at times, uncontrollable. Being humans, I think we tend to let our natural self go, without being cautious of the consequences it may cause. It's not that the intent is wrong, but the timing (delivery) may be.
When communication is successful, I believe two things have gone right: Content and Delivery. If the information (content) you are trying to transfer to the other person is incorrect, it doesn't matter much you try- communication will not be successful. Assuming that the person receiving the information is knowledgeable about the subject, you must be prepared and first have your information correct. Only then, can you move on to the second, more difficult element (in my opinion) of communication- Delivery. This subdivision of communication can be viewed as either the technique the speaker uses, or simply the mere timing of the conversation. Improving one's speaking technique - adjusting the tone and the speed of your words - is extremely difficult. It takes mental discipline to rid emotions from interfering with the communication of your thought process. Likewise, having discipline to time the perfect opportunity, is just as important. Without it, I've realized I'm acting on my humanistic impulses, and not God's.
Over the weekend, I was humbled once again when saw my natural self take over and leave God's will behind me. Probably for divine reasons, God has blessed me to love intense conversations where my close friends and I can dig deep in to unexplored territories. However, this comes with responsibilities: I need to learn to control and discern the right place and the right time to share my deep thoughts. Being the immature Christian that I am, I sometimes cannot control myself but to be intense when it is clearly not the right time to be. Instead of showing love, I expect others to love me. Instead of lower myself to understand them, I set my bar higher, and expect others to understand me. I forget my surroundings and plunge into conversations I desire to indulge in, not caring about how others would take it at that specific time- expecting them to swallow my words. It's pretty obvious to me that this is a form of Pride, and I must kill it. It is disgusting.
I pray that God will come, and surgically remove this disgusting form of Pride, and help me to control the timing of my words. May I grow, in God, to be more wise with solid Content, and solid Delivery- so that I may have be able to communicate His words perfectly.

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